Wednesday 8 June 2011

A Challenging Workout For Intermediate Exercisers

I have been using this workout on a few of my unfortunate clients- give it a go in as fast a time as you can, then try and beat that time when you do it again in another workout.

There are millions of high rep workouts out there, such as the '300 workout', the' bodyweight 750' and the 'bodyweight 1000' to name a few I have seen, this isn't a get a dream body type cure all panacea, however i do think it is a challenging workout for burning fat and toning those muscles.

Here is the workout-
50 Single arm Clean and Press x25 each arm
50 Roll-outs
100 Reverse Crunches
25 Pull-ups (with weighted assistance if needed)
x 50 One-Leg Presses on each leg
50 Rotation and Presses
50 4-10kg Medicine Ball Overhead Wall Throws
25 Press-Ups
50 Mountain Climbers
2 Mins Plank

Don't forget to warm-up, stretch and cool down after the workout.

I hope you have fun.

Monday 10 January 2011

The Almighty and Elusive Six-Pack- Cardio, Bodyfat and Exclamation Marks

To achieve a flat stomach, a six-pack, a toned midsection- whatever you want to call it- the plain and simple fact is that you must have a BODYFAT PERCENTAGE OF 10% OR LESS for those abs to show through.

So, How do we achieve this? I hear you bellowing.

Drink more water- up to half your bodyweight in ounces per day will put your body into lipolysis, meaning your body will begin burning stores of bodyfat

Cut down on carbonated beverages altogether, lets be honest, they are full of shit, sugar, sodium, aspartame etc. need I say more?

After 6pm large meals are a no!- when you sleep your metabolism slows down considerably, meaning that excess food and calories are turned into fat


Weights- and for the ladies worrying about looking like bodybuilders, you simply do not have the testosterone present in your body to build huge muscles, and more muscle mass means more calories burnt at rest, weights will help you achieve the body you desire

CARDIO!!!- do at least 30 minutes intense cardio per day- get that heart rate high! At the very least you should be doing a brisk walk for this amount of time, try different routes, explore your town and see what you discover, walk at different times of the day, keep things interesting and it will help you stay motivated

Record the distance you travel as you do cardio, and try to beat your record each time you train

More cardio

Train the entire core- Rectus Abdominus, Transversus Abdominus, Erector Spinae etc.
More cardio

Keep track of your workouts and food intake using a journal, this is a great motivational tool as you see yourself improving!

Pay close attention to your bodyfat percentage, ask me to measure your bodyfat every 4 to 6 weeks or use the bodyfat calculator at the gym, remember, for those abs to show, your bodyfat percentage should be at 10% or lower.

By Chris Kershaw, Personal Trainer, Part-Time Wookie and Hater of Treadmills

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Mission Statement

This is a Personal Training blog I hope will bring me new clients, first and foremost. It's cheap and easy, which helps when your poor. Other than that I hope to entertain, inform and learn about many aspects of Personal Training and Sport, maybe about some other things we shall see.

I hope to have a number of contributors providing articles on a number of sports' related ,subjects, which I am very excited about. At least a few of these contributors will be writers in their own right, so the usual dryness I usually associate with sports articles hopefully won't be seen in abundance.

I have a long history in sport and weight lifting and have just received my level 3 Personal Trainer diploma, and I'm currently setting myself up to be a self-employed full-time Personal Trainer.

To keep this little intro short, I'm looking forward to see where this blog leads, and hope to eventually have something worth reading about!

Chris Kershaw